jow07 03

jow07 03

Thoy iiro *l»o tho hardo*t nusolea ln your abdoalnal fornotlon to dev«lop, but you will flnd «xorcti« twonty-otght to bo a eorter for It. If you praofcieo that ezoreiao plor.ty, 1 guaranie© that tho lower ertreudtlee of your nbdordnal atructuro will bocooo t* atrong aa tha aoetion eror tho aolar ploxu«.

Pooplo who aro norrow aoroas tho thoracle arch shoulsJ *triwe to widen lt*

AU auch pooplo aro tho ono* who aro tho aoot auacoptible to prolapaia of tho ■ tooaoh and abdoma.

Thoy laołr tho apaoo raąulrod.

Tali thin pooplo aro tlm or.ea who aro gonorally built narrow in that region.

Lomr ehoat and abdaulual \mr'z la what broodena.

Staff sorgnant lloao la a beautlflil ozponont of porfoot abdonlnnl dovolop-a*nt, but tha noat orfloloat ezport ln controlling tho abdoolnala that X know of la '.Ir. Ottloy n. Coultor.

That flno abla apoclnon of nonhood la ro~%rkablo. ii* eon do onythiog wlth hla abdoainal zuoeloa. and tho macica of hla rroln—tha lowor abdaninala—aro annrolloualy dowlopod.

Of oouraa w» mat not loao traek of tho ortorual obllque macloa that flow owor tho hlp bono and roli down into tho groln aa a support to tha lowor abdomlnala.

Thoy aro wery po*«rfbl macloa, but liks thoIr satoa aro raroly detolopod boyond tho rudlnontary atngo on tho aro rago lndlwidual.

TO thoae ouacloa I giro groat ©łto, and X mat lay tho law down to you vory atrlotly, tliat whoncmr you aoo an czaręloc nontionod to ocror thoao nuacloa you mat bo aarloualy lntont on doyolopln; tham to thoir nuincit

Rithout azxy bony • truć turo to aupport thon lt la truły renar babio how poworful thoy oan bo built.

! kuow a your. aar.—— in fant en© of my pupila—who lsy down ca tho road and allowod an automobile to run orwr Kia "tonach to'prom how atrony hla abdotainale Wre.

At anothor tlrae I aaw a nan alzty yoara of ago llo on hla baok and allow ano tho r fol Iow to drop a aixtoon-pound nodiclno bali on to hla abdowm fron a hoight of tawonty fo«t.

Thla doca not rear. you ham to try thoao ar.tioe. 1 oeroly oxplaln thon to you aa a point of Internat to abaw what a hlęh a ta te of pcwer thoao moc los can bo dorolopcd Into.

On tho othor hond, thoy ara «aail7 robbod of thoir pcw^r.

Lot a nan oat too luzurloualy and Ma body will buljro into a pormnont bay4 window. Tho macica will loao all thoir pewur of oontraotlon.

Theywill boocao llko ora-eut claatio.

Tho bulging of tho body atrotohoa all tho powor out of tha* a o that thoy bacom uoolosa. and bcllcre wo thoy arc often wory hard to robulld.

Tho abdooon, aa tho aoat of orranie rltality ia ono port J cannct aak you to be aorleua anough of.

Tbcort all of your influenco, and aoofc to bulld up that ”WMfc board" ap-paaranoo thon you will ba aa nur od that thoro will nowpr bc any danger of borni a, or prolayala of tle stenach or tho ahdomn aa fbr aa you irc concomoń.



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