jow12 03

jow12 03

fhor« '.rn c<no eroielaos that car-not bo aubstltutoć ord you will siadły ' r>T-.’ to rut u? witt; tho altuatlon. I inU raoall how I dli huto oalf oncrolnoa.

•be*ł I <mo« to thon on ny chart I nuulc rlnd wy tooth and wlali tho daraod thir&s •oro 9W. Ta roault *u I pat no llfo Into tho trnlnln-*, and X pot KO EESTJLT8*

*.r a lccg tir*, »v ;««tr llah* wore the worat part o1 pryalęuc. 1 dcalrod finc i:j>ocd sal. o 8 wlth oqu*l proportiona, and li ho all othor phyaical CU 1 tur i I ta I tldJod nyaolf that tho ealvoa eould not ho drwolopod. At laat I oat down and aaarob-®d ny bor.rt Ter tt.o truth, and I ftound -he arower lold in qjr dlollloa fbr colf ozor-la ogr «lo*l i do tar land It ahould bo ao no =ore. Frcn thon on . ant rsy Jaw eud took a aontal pńuoh at o Id noc hoocloa whonowor ho appoaroc on ay - ywlołl horlion to dloortra^c ro. Tho multa woro ^ratl/yinf. hithin throo acntha I bań as flno a oir of under plna aa you avor wlahod to look at, and I hava thor yot#

In «T»ry ctso lot. your i-.onoat oonrlctions ,;uido you. You »!l! not r.o

r ropotltlona wbon you fool 11'łto lt, bat aovwr atand atlll. Airoya o aboni. Alao, !sovo.’ pr.ctio*; to© wy oowr.t.* Tor ar ozoroiao, listo ud, incrcase f ja leTora.-o of your bolla. You asy jot to the sta to whe-, you fbel you wcul£ lite noro In that c-no lot no to 11 yóu, unioaa you want to on tor tt-.o rport of he-tvy woi^bt lifting* tho oourao on rtolattmoo r prerii© you wlth your ul.rur irboll aro hevry Onoujh .ar tli# atro.njoat non llwlnj. tttorełao and lifting er -ta wldoly a .<ar*.tt;i os *>n two pelta, a^ do not ;rct ccnfaood <nror that quoatlan.

?ro:: no# on you oan dleerrd tho foat agcorclooa oosplataly aa part of your ornlnf trainlnf. Siaply pracilco ti>c o:.e »\>ot rniao wlth tho ozorolaoa X plro you la :J.j adr»i:e«d tourne. Anyhow, I will lncludo it w Soi llnlny up -So eouroc*

The twvlvo wccrciaoa that I a hall lvo you Ir. the Adraneed Courao will oorrr ttio er.tiro body, hut I would not aUrlar you to dlsrard any one of thac for anethors, fot yo>i havc f,lv«r fcl»ma a fkir trlal and yoc art auro that the new trge ar . t*. leaat ‘.'u:Ir oijual or V*ttor»

A fbw \-ordi ahout -rratsfn.r. Tl* oratrtico doee not nrooaaarlly havo to ha a raęuii -    aotles. You    covt«a pul that r-.;o. Inatood, iron the

- - you ttilnh of lt and fufcl liLc it, jIw:. outaldo. Pw olwat oz-vrolaaa that you aro preoiiolnę will all the ohoat a:«eo you nood and tf your atly poaturo whor. wal klar U orcot wlth ho ahtłuHora book tho lun^s will autora tl-oclly uae that a^oo*

X olse wsu.fc you to kry to praotici a łionćtt-j d. You may bo obło to do ono oj.d yo»i ray not, but tryl- - hol .i# a    dool. lako your rirat attenpt up a^alnat

tho wali,    ! i-.lly you a-l 11 bo nbl- to perforr. the stunt away Tron tho wali.

^r. tho porfj.ot haj>djtaad hoa *-oon tadu, tho ohjsot ahould bo to lowor tho body uatU tr». chla touohi.8 tho floor and that* prosa bacb to orr.»a It ia jood otu '.'’ Tor the wholu lody aa vtll aa b»lr.* an aatortainir prnttic..

.Itućy ar.rojlilly all I haro wrltton ani fut lt lnto prectioo aa woli aa you


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