you that herc — later in this book you will fmd the whole story in thc Captain s own words. The petuliar thing about the seeret is thc fact that if it were told you outright. without a preliminary explanation of the whys and wherefores. you d (ind it so simple that you would probably not recognize its mmendous value unless Captain Rodrigues told it to you
Chddren inUinchttły rtaher the telme of Capi. RoJrtsI henry end demon ttretioni.
himself. for when he does that and you sec the actual demon-stration of its value in his own magnificent body, you simply cannot resist trying it yourself. He is himself. the answer to all questions. the simple proof of his own statements. His physique is an inspiration.
‘'Captain." hc is often asked. "What ezerciscs do you take?" But he has no rigorous and heart-weakcning system of cxercises to show you. Hc swings no Indian Clubs. manipulates no dumb-bells. lifts no weights. has no exercis-