musc dev053

musc dev053

dcvelop myself. You will get exrrcises that are rcal excrci*es and you will enjoy them, for they will bring you results. Tliij* I po»i-tivelv guarantoe.

My iron-clad guarantee is in back of this cntirc course aml if you do not like the apparatus and the very first lesson I scnd you I will cheerfully and promptly rcfund your moncy. Each succeeding Iesson you gct will bc i ust as interesting and as bcncficial as the first and perhaps a great deal morę. for cach lcsson is arranged for you aml you only according to your measuremcnts. and what you tell mc about yoursclf in your first lettcr.

My system is compiele in cvery wav it covers the entire body and there are no inromplete and half-way exercises in any lesson you get.

My excrcises will in no way endanger you of bccoming muscle-bound, but they will teach you how you can move or rontrol any muscles you desire at will.

Ali over the walls of my fourteen o firce rooins are photographs of my pupils. and before I am through with you, you will also be anxious to send me a photograph of yourself, for    W

you will be proud of the rcsults you havc obtained from    f'i

your efforts.

One imporlant feature about my course and my letters is, I will po*itiveły arousc your rnthusiasm and Iiolrl it during my rntire correspondenee with you; and by the iime you get my last lesson you will have enougli results from your efforts to keep your interest up.

As I said, a)] my letters are person ul ly wrłtten and I do not, as other instructors do. attempt results through the medium of printers’ ink. Each pupil’s measuremcnts are carcfully noted and the course outlinrd to suit each individual requirement.

My course is handsoitiely illustrated willi hulftone photo-gruphs of myself and every exercise is clearly explained, so you will not linve the lra-t hit of trouhle in following inslructions. Then remember, 1 guide you personally each w cek, besides just sending you the work to do, so how can you go wrong? No one *res the letters of my pupils but myself, so you can, if you wish, write and tell me all about yourself and I know I can help you. and advisc you in everv way.

Do not judge the va!ue of my system by my Iow price. I could and perhaps should charge a great deal móre as


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