Twice each day, preferably before you get out of bed in Ihe moimng ...and al bedlime... take limę out lor Cosmic Breathing. Start out by inhalmg ten time$...and increase count each day by 1. At the end of our 3 week period, you should be up to a 30 count. Thereafter, for the rest ol your lite, start and end each day with 30 good Cosmic Breaths.
While on back in bed. place a book on stornach ... then take deep breath. If book moves upward, you are breathing incorrectly. Book should either stay in same position or sink slightly. A healthy Cosmic Breath should allow the breathing muscles to enlarge in the chest cavity... causing you to exhale as your lungs are col-lapsed. As you do your Cosmic Breathing lor the first week. always use the book ... and try to keep it from moving. After you get Ihe idea for proper Cosmic Breathing, the book may be omitted.
Cosmic Breathing is done in four movements... (1) inhaling, (2) holding. (3) exhaling & (4) pausing. Practice these Cosmic Breathing routines:
WALKING (any specd) & RUNNING (or swimming)
Steps: 1 • 2 3 4 5 6 7
Breathe: In & In, Hołd, Expel, Rest-Rest-Rest.
Explanation: For everyseven steps you take, ono of four move-ments is done. In the above. you inhale legularly (1). then inhale deeply with 2nd sniff (2). then pause (3), then quick!y exhale (4), then rest on (5), (6) & (7) steps.
In walking. keep mouth closed and breathe only thru nose; in running, inhale thru nostrils, exhale thru mouth.
In passing Irom cool or cold atmosphere into warm or hot room ... DO NOT inhale deeply. Breathe slowly thru nose to gradually acclimate lungs to temperaturę uariance. Oo same from warm or hot into cool or cold aii. Avoid breathing thru mouth at alt limes except when undcr cxtreme exertion ... such as running, swimming, etc. Avoid crowds in smali confined spaces where airborne getms may bo hcavy.