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In Case You Run Out of Motivation..

Theres no reason why I cant strive to be healthy

It s a great day to be outside F* the injury and the pain

I Will suprise mysclf I can control today, and today I will get moving

Im so proud of myself    I can do this    tQ me

I have the power within myself to feel fabulous    T    i

t • i .    ^    i ^ I am so happy

I m doing this for myself

T>    i    I will play with my children relentlessly

I m going to the gym    7

Im motivated

This is a goal 1’m setting, and 1*11 reach it

i inspire myself    I believe in myself I lost the excuses

I love my body    I’ve been looking forward to this all day

I am strong    I feel great

I love myself    It>s sreat to be me

I inspire others    '

I will live life to it’s fullest    rT,. I will take care of myself

This is Me-Time

Ol beat the odds What a great da7 t0 g° °n a walk

It s only a little bit of my day

I want to and will be healthy

Fm setting aside the time for Me _

Theres no time like right now

I motivate my friends and family by motivating myself I have a great song to work out to    I will SUCCeed


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