vibro 38

vibro 38


through our VIBRO-POWER Speed Course. If you havc followed each day's excrcises and have donc thcm aa instruct-ed. the remaining half should comc o asy, If you finish your exercisc program for to-day and have timc and encrgy to sparc, do a.i I have instructed in my letter at the heginning of the wcck and go bńck over and do sonie of last. week’a cxcrcises. What evcr you do, get »n a gnod workout today.


EXKRCISE 44 (above) In thr nbsencc of a chinning bar, a door jam will do nice-ly, provided it allnws sulhciont spuee for a good band hołd, First try to chin yourself with your hands pluccd shouldcr width apart on the door frami*. Bend at the elbow, raiaing body toward har, when chin hus rcachcd level with bar, relax, and return to starting position. Thia is one of the frneat exercises known for the arma. I)o as many timea aa you can,

EXERCISE 4.» (right) -Lic down flat on your back, keeping arms straight and on the lloor with palma and handB on hips Bring your lega up and above your head while supporting ynursclf with your shnulders and elbows. Aftcr attaining thia poaition, lower the right leg until ii, touchcs the floor, keeping the left leg eroct aa illu3-trated; then raiae the right leg to original position and simultane-ously Iower the left leg. Stop when tired.



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