One thing to keep in mind is that your Vibro-Power course shouldn't stop when your exercise period has ended. If an exercise is difficult, try to do it a little better whenever a spare moment occurs. In the next 3 weeks, whenever you sit down. try to sit erect with good posturę ... stand and walk with shoulders back, head straight.
After your daily ,exercise routine, take either a warm bath or shower to tonę the body... to relax the nervous system. At the same time. you will cleanse your pores of the poisons thrown off while exercising. Before getting out ol the tub. finish off with a cold shower or cold water bath. Above all. try not to rush in and out of your bath or shower. Spend a little time in or under the water... and try to relax completely. Dismiss all your worries and cares ot the day from your mind during this period.
Exercise routines should be done regularly... with sincere effort, at least once each day. Each exercise should be done until you are pleasantly tired. Then rest a little before going on to the next one of the day. At no time should you over-exert yourself... for this will set up a strain. It is always deemed advisable to get a thorough check-up by your doctor before going mto any program of physical activity.
If you have any physical defects, your physician can then define the extent to which it is prudent to exert yourself m actwity. At the same time. your doctor may offer additional suggestions which may be very helpful.