C: That’s why ncw cosmetics, new devices and new treatments arc dcvelopcd all the time.

S: But not onły. Traditional treatments arc aiso rcdiscovcred. Just tlunk of the use of hcrbs!

C: And the use of Chinese acupunctute and acupressurd

S: And all this to make women look better and fecl better.

C: We can’t complain, rcally. Thetc arc grcat ptospeets for cosmetics, beauty treatments and cosmeoc scrvicei

S: No doubt, thcie are!

1.    Oaudia is critical of the Tip-Top Beauty Salon.

2.    There is a lot of competition also among beauty salons.

3.    There arc a lot of women who can pay for beauty treatments. .

4.    It is not a good dmc to develop new cosmetics.

5.    There is no interest in traditional treatments.

6.    Beauty therapists can’t complain because they arc not vcry busy and have a lot of free time.

Task 4

Reptoduce tlie two dialogues.

Beauty Salon Equipment

Evetydung in th« Tip-Top Studio is highly funcbonal so as to make beauty therapists work cfficient and make diencs feel comfortablc. There is a lot of furniture designed spccially for beauty salons, such as fadal tables, spa tables, massagc tables, manicure and pedicure tables, aiso rc-ferrcd to as stauons, facial trolleys, showcases with shclvcs and cabinets with drawers, rcvolving stools with adjusrablc seat height, and the Ukc. In the rooms at the back of the Studio premises there is a lot of etpiip-ment. This cquipment i$ used by the Staff to dry and wum up towels and wrap shccts, to heat war, to sterilise accessories, to mix ingredi-cnts and prepare maski The equipment indudes a towel steamer, a wax heater, an autodaye, a miier. Thanks to it towels and sltcets are kept in petfect temperaturę, nusks are maed efficiendy, wax can be heated, accessories can be stenlised efficiendy. In the storę room there are sheJves with stotage cor.tainers and boxes. They are marked. Thanks to this the Staff know what is kept in them. They can find what they need easily. All of them contain accessories which are necessary in the beauty therapisrt work. There arc cotton swabs, drsposable rubber gloves madę of latez or vmyl and iighdy powdered, wrap shccts madę of plastic, fabric, herbal wrap shccts, stainless Steel and rubber bowłs, disposable spa apparel (bras, bikinis, slippers, briefs), dressing gowns, towels, kidney dishes and a lot of other instruments in contnincrs and boxes. There arc aiso bot-des of distnfectants and other liquids, boxes with talcum powder, jars with creams and ointments, bags with herbs on the shehres. There is aiso a fridge in the storę room as some matcrials musi be stored at a special temperaturę One of the durics of the rcceptionist is to make surę that the storę room is well supplied with all the thrngs beauty therapists need to do their jołx She is aiso responsible for ordering fresh supplies.

to make Uh cfficient

-    usprawnk coś

to make tb feel comfortablc

-    sprawić, it ktoś poczuje się wygodnie

trollcy - stoli na kółkach showcasc - oszkkma gablota cabinet - oszklona szafka, witryna

drawer - szuflada rerolrłng stool - stołek obrotowy

adjiutabłc seat height * - regulowana wysokość krzesła

at the back of sth - z tyłu, na

zapleczu czegoś

to dry - suszyć (się)

to warm op - ogrzać,


towel - rocznik

wrap sheet - prześcieradło

do zawinięcia

(o heat - podgrzać, rozgrzać waz - wosk

waz heater - urządzenie do podgrzewania wosku to sterilise - wysteryłizować accessories - akcesoria


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