lst Week 2nd Day
Here we are on łhe secoml day of your Vibro-Power Coursc. On this day. wc are going to havc ttome fun skipping ropo to-gethcr with a few othor excrciaes to ntart you off. In addition you are going hack nnd will do 3 of ycaterday’s exerci8cs.
EXKRCl.SE 8 (above) Stand in the position demonstrated. Cleneh your fists. Now roli them down as far as thoy will go. Thcn twist them backward as far ag possible. Press hard in each movement. Itepeat 15 timos.
7 (abovc- left) A splcndid method of prior to a period of oxercising is to first on the lcft foot, then inhale through the nose, as possible, then exhal-you huven’t the ropę on or your room is too amall . . . make believc an imaginary ropę for thłB exercise.