EXERCI.SE 39 <abovot Stand erect. with arms at aides, fiata tightly denched. Trnae and harden uli the muwlM in tha armu; thrn ilowly fłex arms at elbow* unłll thr Asta are tn front of thr ahoulder*. aa illuatratrd Slowły lower arms to original poai-tion. Relax and repeat. Do thia exer-eiar fl timea at Arat, increaaing thr count to a maiimum of If* Krep your
ron your bieepa while performing rxerriar
EXERCISE 40 (right)—Stand erect. Lower your ehin aa much aa poaaible l*ut thr butt of your hand agamat your rhm and push slowly totek, rcaiatmg uli the way with the musclc* of your neck. Return to original poaitton, alternatr and repcat about ten times
Weil, welll How ar* thlnga commg? I hope that you havc brrn arrtoualy worki ng out and that you are not letting anything interfere with your daily workouta. After alt, if you want multa . , it ia up to you and what you you rad f do. If you don't apend thę r*quirrd time and rfTort on youi caercla* routlnea you are not goi nu to get the phyaical devclopment you are after. If you want to look your beat on the brach in the summer, and In the gym or rlub hmiae, you‘ve got to work for it_ Let’a not dilly-dally today but get into a strenuoua work out. Co to It!