Ist Wcek lst Day
L*t's gct ofT to a grand starł wilh sonie very im porta nt limbcring un exerciscs. The exercises for today will start you out right and you shoutd have real fun y. them. Now. |et’s get going!
EXERCISE 2 (above)—Stand erect, holding two heavy books of equnl weight at your sidcs. Tlaise books to shouldor levet, as illustratcd. Thon slowly lower to originnl posltion. Repeat this exorciBC 154 times. After this exercise, if you ftnd your muscles fcel cramped, walk around room and shrug your shoulders until the cramped fccling has de parter)
EXERCISE 1 (left) -This ia your ftrst excrci«e . . . and I want you to do this at least 15 times today. In addition, for the next 2 woeks I want you to do this oxercise immediotely after gctting out of bcd in the morning and beforc you start out on the other oncs asłigned to you for each day. Stand eomfortably erect, hands at sides. Inhale slowly, and at the same timc, draw in the muscles of the abdo-men, raising arms slowly at side. In other words, puli in your stornach and push up the chest as you AU your lungs to their capacity. Rclnx the stornach muscles as you slowly cx)iale.