EXERC1SR 63 Ubowl—Thi» ia aimilar to Excrciue No. 34, exce?>t that the position of the orm ia reversed and as a result, a nc-w net of muscle* arc uscd. Extcnd your right nrm aa before, but thia time hołd the knucklea downward, Again dra w the arm up ov*r-hcad. Supplying the rcsistance with the othcr hand. Alternate as before. Stop w h c n slightly tired.
Today ia the day that we arc going to havę sonie fun. You ire being introducćd to six ncw cxercises. Exereise N'o. 55 ia a varia-tion of one that you havo donn before. Only now, it in mado moro difttcult by using a Rtooj. I havc not told you how many times to do it but I want you to do it until you ure slightly tired. Rcat for 2 minutę*, ;ind then do it again. When you get to Exerei8e No. 57, you arc going to find that your fect may go up iristead of your head. l.K>n’t hook your fcot under anytning but try to do it by bringing your head and neck as fur for-ward as you can when you eonie up. Sec how many times you can do this. Stop and rent and try to beat this aeore.
EXERCISE 54 (right) — Grasp outside of anklcs, pul) up as hard as you ean. push-ing il 0 w n with fcot. Again, puli real hard, grip-
f>ing ankles firin-
EX ERCISE 55 (left) — Place hands on the sides of the seat of u chair. fect extendcd as far back as possible, only tocs touchmg the floor. Back muat be kept straight. Lower body until chust is touehing chair by bending arms at elbowg. Re-main in this position scvcral snconda. then straighten arms and push the body to first uosi-tion. Inbalc as you lower body and cxhale as you straighten arms.