If you have followed your cxercise routines seriously . . . and have dono thom aa I have prcscribed, you should be a little sore. You ice, a great many of the muscles Ihat you have uaed have been fnactive. Now, you are beginning to use th«m for the flrat time. Today, I want to loosen you up and help takt* the soreness out of your rnuscles. W hen you are finishod with thi» cxereifte routine, and you can do so, tako u nice hot bath (or showor) and relux. Are you rcady? Then, let'a go for loday!
EXKRCI.SE 11 (abovc)—Grasp a wift rub-ber or "newapaper” bali in your hand and aqueeze it tightly. Then rclax and SOU cezo agnin. Try to Work nil the rnuscles or your hand and Angora in this exercise. Itenont with the othcr hand, unii) slightly tired.
EXBRCISE 12 (*bovc)—This cxcrcise in de-signed to loosen up stifT thigh muscles and in generał to tono up the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Souat down with your heels on the floor . . . legs wide part. Put hands on the insi de of knoes. First, bnng knees togethor, resisting hard all the way with hands, then nush knees ojiart with hands. resisting hard all the way with knees. Repcat tó times.
EXKKC1SE 13 (lofO- Herc in an ełTrctive vari-•tion of abdominal hreathing designed to cnsure the ileveloi>ment of the lower soctions of your junga whicn are so often ncglected. First, breathe in neeply. Then preas the air in your lungs down and out as far as you can go. With |H.Tsistent nractice, you’11 find that you can simulate a "pot-belly” with little troublo.