Horę wc aro . . . in the third and finał wcek of your Vibro-Power course. The Isometric and Isotonic exerciscs for thia wcek is like the baker adding the icing to the cakc.
During the flrat wcek, you mixed the ingrcdientl of a variety of scientifically-designed limbering cx-ercise routines . . . and acquired ttnowledge of generał body-building techniques aa well as Cosmic Rrcathing.
In the sccond week, you baked the cake . . . taking on advanced Isomctric-Isotonic body-building exer-cisc routines while you increased the count on pre-vious ones. Ycur “Training Table Talks” explamed the two rcmaining principles of body-building . . . that of “Tonie Relaxat>on" and “Rythmic Pro-gression.”
Now, we add the icing ... a week of advanced mus-cle-building routines that really go to work to creato a dynamie pieturo of you! And, even though aome of the exercises will be dilficult to do . . . kecp at ii until you have maatered them. Aa you finisn this course, you will leam about digestion . . . plus helpful hints on eating food for health.
Then, where do you go from herc? After you finish this third week, you are probably wondering what comes next? Actually, thja denenda upon you . . . and how you have progressea through the three weeks of this course.
If you wish, you mav write to Joe Bonomo (persona!), Strongmen’s Club of America, 1841 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 10023 endosing your Pcrsonal Progress Chart along with a letter about yourself.
If you are not satisfled with your body-building resulta as yet, pick out exercises and continue to do a ęood daily workout. If you wish to concentrate on specinc muscle groups, refer to the Muscle Chart. You have acquircd a good knowledge of the body from your Body Facts Lec-tures ... 80 you should have no difficulty selecting the right Isometric-lsotonic exercises for your daily work octivity.
Whatever you do, don’t quit after the third week is over. You have been atarted into a rcmarkable daily health habit of exercise. Keep up thia good work! You'11 never be sorry!