89778 vibro 51

89778 vibro 51

EXERCISE 67 <Irft)—Stretch out on your back with head on pillow. both ahouldcr blade* touching the (loor, lega two or threc fect apart. Bend kncca and erosa bunda ovcr chcst. Raiae body from floor aa lllua-trated. weight rcating on head and feet. Lower body and re-peat. I>o 15 timea, try to do 25 times.

REPEAT thi* exereiae today for an addłtional 10 co u n ta. Thi* ia Exer-ciae No. 52 that ia dc-arribed on your second wcek, fourth day.

REPEAT thia cxerciae today for an additional 10 eounta. Thia ia Exer-eiae No. 6 that ia de-aeribed on your fi rat w cek. flrat day.

REPEAT thia exercise today and sec if you can do it * few additional times. Thia ia Exerci*e No. 21 that is dcscribed on your firat wcek, fourth duy.

REPEAT thia exerciae today for an additional 10 eounta. Thia is Exer-ęiae No. 38 which i* de-aeribed on your aecond wcek, flrat day.

Start oflT today, and every day, hereafter, with thia cxerciae in-atead of Excrcise No. 1. Take in large gul pa of air alowly and exhalc alowly tnrnugh the mouth . . . aaying aloud, "Pm winning, Im winning, Pm winning!" Do 15 times

REPEAT thia exercise and ace if you can do it a few additional timea today. Thia ia Exereiac No. 41 that ia dcscribed on your second werk. aecond day.

REPEAT thia excrci*e today and try to do it a few additional timea. Thia ia Excrci«e No. 59 that is dcscribed on your aecond week. aixth day.



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