vibro 15

vibro 15

EXERCISE 3 (Icft)—This exercisc builds up thighs, pectorals. ahouldcrs and buck. Squat with knees togother. Puli knees apnrt, resist-łng with hands. Push knees together with hands, restaling with knees. Do this cxcrcisc at least 15 times.

EXERCISE -I (rlght)—Bend down from a stamling position, internaily rcsisting thc mowmcnt all thc way.

Forcc your knuckles to the floor..

Whłle in this position, walk around thc room on all fours. Straighten up, resisting thc upward movcmcnt.

Pause bricfly ond thcn rcpcat thi» cxcrcisc.

EXERCISE 6 (Icft) Takc standard aizo newspapcr ahcet of r pagcs and hołd it up by one ler. Crumple it into a bali in hnnd, without the aasistonce the other hand. Do this until your hand and forcarm begin to fccl tired, thcn rcpcat with other hand.

EXERCISE f> (above>—This cx orcise will deve)op your front* thighs and the wholc unper leg. FI rat stand erect, with hands ał aides. Now aquat down on your hcels, trying not to raiso them from the floor. As you come down, raisc your hands shouldcr-high in front. Thcn. push up from the floor as hord us you can. Do this excrcise 10 tlmcs.



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