EXERCISE 71 (above)—Stand on toc* facing wali, both hands stretched upwards. Kaise left arm higher, rcaching as far up aa poflsibtc, twisting your body slifchtly to $cain thc beat advan-tage. Rcpcat exercise with your right arm. Start doing thix ex-ercise for 15 counts with eaeh hand; try to do 25 times.
EXERCISE 72 (right) - Rest left hand on a stool or box. Now lift left leg from thc floor, and sink down on right leg. Kaise yoursclf to standing posi-tion, using only muaclea of leg to do so. Do until you feel tired . . . then altcrnatc with other leg.
We hav« been together for the past two and onc-half wecks . . . and I know that you arc certainly feeling better and looking better. We have madę a complete trip around your body and have exerciscd prac-tirally all the important musdes of the body. To<lay, we are on the third day of the last week. Make cvery exercise count today. Put everything you have into them. A atrenuous workout ia what I want you to gct. Of courRe, start out with the brcath-ing oxerciso shown in thc upper right hand corncr of page 55. All right, are you ready? Let's go!