EXERCISE 77 (above) — Stand crect. Keep your nrms nt your sides. Your legs should be 24 inches or morę apart. Now, bcnd down to tho right. touching the right foot with the right hand, and extcnding the left nrm straight out behind you. Rund the right knec slightly aa you go down. Repeat, bending to the left this timc and touching the left foot with the left hand. Altcrnato in this manner until alightly tired.
After today, we'vc gol one morę day to go ... ao let's get into a real good excrcise program today. You've got *ome good mus-cłe-building exercises . . . and I want you to make every one of them count. Like the past daya of thia week, do the brcathing exerci8c, shown in the lower right corner on page 59, tlrat of all, then, swing ovcr, and do Exercise No. 77 to limber you up.
EXERCISE 78 (right)—SUnd with hands on hips, fcet 10 to 15 inches npnrt, take a good gulp o 1 air and Ali your lungs. Bend the kneea until you arc in a squatting position as shown . . . slowly letting the air out the mouth until your atomach is pulled in aa far aa possible. Hołd breath and return to atnnding posi-tion. Do 15 timea . . . try for 25 timea.