51444 vibro 59

51444 vibro 59

EXERCI.SE 79 <above)

Sit on chair with feet held under a heavy piece of fur-niturc, aa illustratcd. Rend back war d and down with arms . folded a erosa your cheat, until you touch the floor. Return to original poa-ition. Do at leaat 10 timca. Try to do 20 timca. Inhale aa you go bark; cxhale aa you return to aitting position. Eacellenl for atrengthening all the muacles of the abdo-men and back. Thia ih recog-niied aa the beat of all ab-dominal exerciacs.

REPEAT thi8 exerci*e today and aee if you can do it a few morę timea. Thia is Excrcise No. 9 that ia described on your flrat w cek. aec-ond day.

EXERCISE 80 (above)-Lie flal on your back. Now, riae to a miting poaition without bending your kneea or allowing your heels to

leave the floor. Reach forward and touch your toea. If thia ia dtfficult at first, try hooking your toea under a piece of heavy furniture. Repeat until tired. Co caay at flrat.

REPEAT thia exerciae today and see if you can do it a few morę times. Thia ia Exerci*c No 32 that ia de-scribcd on vour flrat wcck, aixth day.

Start off today with thia excrciac. Take in large gul pa of air a I o w 1 y and exhaie alowly Ihrough the mouth . . . aaying aloud, I'm winning, Do 20 timea.



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