First Degree
Sit on a chair or stooi. with legs gripping those of the chair, as in First Degree, A, of Exercise No. 4. While inhaling, raise the arms slowly sideways to stioulder height with fists closed iightly and the arm muscles relaxed Only the shouldcrs’ effort should lift the arms. During exha!ation. and while lowering the arms, twist the upper body round to the left (in the waist linę, keeping hips and seat fixed), and then lean it slowly " forward.” that is over the left hip (sce Fig. 39). This must be done without lowering the chin or rounding the back. When all the air is exhaled, another inhalation takes place during which the following movemcnts will be performed : The upper part of the body is raised, with simultaneous arm-lifting, and then twisted back again to the front. During the immediately following deep exhalation the movements that were carricd out to the left are now done in exactly the same manner to the right, and so on continuously, always with inhalation while rising and turning to the front, and exhalation while tuming to either right or left side and leaning, 10 complete movements during 10 respirations.
When after some practice one is able to twist the body in the waist and not in the knees, the movements are carried out standing, with legs wide apart, as in Kxercise No. 4, Second Degree, A. As the upper body is leant over the hip the back should be slightly hollowed and the eyes looking somewhat upwards (Fig. 40).
Second Df.gree
This is always performed standing. Breathing and body move-ments as in First Degree. whereas the arms are now continually held sideways in shoulder height and the feet less apart. The movements are steady and continuous, in that you (with the exception of the prehminary inhalation with arms lifting) inhale every time the trunk is raised and during first half of the twisting ; and exhalc during the latter's second half and during the leaning over the hip. Only ii you have neither got the lungs completely fillcd nor cmptied, should smali pauses be held, in the front-facing position or leaning to the side. The succession of the positions of this exercise is as follows : Figs. 22 (sec Exercise No. 4). 41, 22. 23, 43, 23, 22, 41 and so on.
Third Degree
The prehminary movement is the same as in tbe Second Degree; during the first inhalation raise the arms slowly, then while exhaling twist the body round to the left (Fig. 22), and iean it over the left hip (Fig. 41). Then instead of returning to the rertical position before twisting to the right, you should now twist completely round in the leaning position, at the same time inhaling. The upper body therefore remains in the inclined position (i.e. retains its angle). but the chest is now uppermost (Fig. 42). Following this twist, and during exhalation. the trunk is raised slowly and without pausing, leaned ” forward ’’ (that