First Degkee
Sit on the chair (preferably a stool), and raise the arms sideways with fragers together and strotchcd straiglit. paims upward. Then swing both amis fairly fast rouiul in smali circles (of 12 inchcs in diamcter) ; upward in the front half and downward in the back half (compare Fig. 27). Thereupon each arm is swung scparatcly, loosely and in as largo circles as possiblo. Bo carefui to get the arm woli back and near to the ear. As many smali circles as possible are performcd during three fuli respirations ; wliile during a fourth respiration, the one arm bo swung in largo circles, and during the fifth the other arm. The cxercise is tiicreafter repeatod with smali and largo circles in opposite directious. likewise during tivo fuli respirations. The paims arc now turned down. and tho arms aro moved downwards in the front half of the circlc. and upwards in rcar half (compare Fig. 29). If you lind it diificult to breatho naturally and deeply during these fast arm-moeements, you may try this way. Fili the lungs complotely and then soe how many timos you can swing tho arms whilc you aro letting the air slowly out through the nose.
Secoxi) Degree
This is carried out standing, with one foot slightly in front of the other (see Fig. 27). Arm-circiing and breathing as in F‘irst Degree in addition to which ouc now circles both arms together during the large swinga (Fig. 28). But the other foot in front when the arms aro swung in opposite direetion. Be carefui to foroo the arms woli back while describing the circles. A common fault in the smali circles is to move the hands up and down only, instead of in real circles. Do not forget to keep the arms absolutely limp during tho large circles.
Third Degree
Witli a long forward lungc, bending front knee. straight linę from hoad to rear foot (Figs. 29 and 30), arm circling and breathing as before, but the smali circles aro now done verv cjuickly. so that a greater number is porformed, ospecially during the expirations ; you may then gradually limit the cxercise to six fuli respuations in all. Changc fcet when half way in tlić exercise.
Fourth Degree
Łunge and arm circling as in preceding degree. The body is now twisted slowly round irom the waist (with arms still circling rapidly) alternately to right and loft, and in beat with the fuli, steady respiration. Inhalation takes place every time the chest is turned towards the side of the straight and rear leg (Fig. 311. cxhalation when it is turned towards the side of the bent leg (Fig. 32). In other words, one breathes in the one way and out the other. The large loose swingi are only porformed during the last cxhalation of each series (not during the whole third respiration) : the twisting ceases and the large swings are done while facing to the front.