First Degrf.e
Lie flat on your back with hands at " neck-rest,” and move tlie straight left leg slowly round in circles of about 30 ins. diameter (see 1'ig. 33). The leg should not be lifted much morę than 45° from the floor. Inhale every time tho leg is raised, exhale during the downward movoment. When six such circles liave becn completed. two circles as large as possible should be performed (Fig. 34). As the foot (with toes pointed) is carried sideways, the elbows should steady the body by pressing against the floor, so preeenting it from rolling ovcr. Thereafter eight corresponding circles with the right leg during eight fuli respira-tions. Then the left leg is again movcd round slowly but in the opposite direction to which it was first moved. To finish with, the right leg is circled similarly.
Seconu Degrłi!
Take a deep inhalation while resting on the floor. During the following eshalation, lift both stretched legs to a height of 45“ from the floor, and lower at oncc (Fig. 37). Tliis movcinent is repeated eight times during eight fuli respirations in that one lies with the majority of one’s muscles relased every time one inhales.
Third Degree
The legs, perfectly straight and with pointed toes, are circled slowly the same as in First Tfegree, only both simultaneously (Fig. 38). In the smali circles the legs and feet are pressed hard together each time they meet (Fig. 35), each leg thus describing the letter "D." or its reflection. In the large circles tho one leg must of course give way to the other, like tho blades of a pair of scissors, so that both on Crossing one another can move right round without interruption (Fig. 36). The head may bo lifted a little so that one can see whether it is done corrcctly. As before, eight circles in each direction, but the whole exercisc now only lasts the time of 16 respirations, therefore, only half the time of the First Dcgree. The feet may in the beginning rest for a moment upon the floor after each Circuit. The legs and insteps should be kept straight also in the large circles.
F'oi;rth Degree
Ten smali and two large circles in each direction. The heels should just touch the floor after each completed circle, but not rest upon it. The moeement is now done very slowly with the breathing cqually deep. The task for the abdominal muscles is also inereased by wearing heavy boots. The head rests on the floor and the hands are put fiat under the hollow of the back, or in the position of "hips firm," or they may be stretched up past the cars and touch the ground beyond the head. Another way of doing the fourth degree is to kcep the stretched legs pressed together continuously while swinging thern slowly round in as wide circles as possible, six times in each direction. To preeent the body from rolling over, the arms are kept sideways with palrns pressing against the floor.