Preltminary Moyement
Stand with fcet almost together ano parallcl. Hands on hips, or still better to ussist balance, with pnlms agaiust flauks, fingers pointing downwards (Fig. 85). Slowly raise luft leg foruard as high up as possible, and lower it again, all the while inhaling. Repeat these movemonts with right leg, cshaling. Then raise lcft leg high up side-ways to the left. and lower it again. inhaling ; and movc the right leg in corresponding way while exhaling. Finally, raise the left leg baekward as high up as possible and lower it slowly again, all during inhalation ; and perform the same moeements with right leg during the exhalation.
The knees and ankles should be well stretched eaeh tiinc a leg is raised.
Repeat the whole performance twice morę, antl that will complete the exercise. the whole being three cycles, each of si\ double moeements, and the performance will then last uine respirations.
Begiimers who expericnce difliculty in keeping their balanee can support themselves by gripping the back of a chair.
The Rubbisgs
Starting positiot) as Fig. S5, or with feot parallel. Leg moeements and breathing exactly as in preliminary moeement.
Each time a leg is raised forward, the corresponding palm should stroke down oeer the groin and out along the front of the thigh, the knee and theshin (Fig. 80). and while the leg is lowered, the palm strokes outward round the calf and then up the back of the leg, oeer the seat, and replaces itself upon the flank (Fig. 87). Each time a leg is moecd sideways. the hip and outer side of the thigh are strokcd (Fig. 88) during the raising of the leg. and when it is lowered. the palm strokes inward round the knee, back upon the inside of the thigh (Fig. 80). and over the groin to the flank. And each time a leg is raised baekward and again lowered the palm strokes down oeer the loin, seat and back of the thigh (Fig. 90), then round the leg, upward on the front of the thigh, and back again to its starting position on the flank.
During all the raisings and lowerings of the leg the palm should continuousiy press hard against the moeement of the leg. F.ighteen double moeements during nine respirations. Later, when you can take longer respirations, you may rub smartly up the abclomen and down the loins and seat in the last part of each e.epiration. this rubbing being eery similar to that done in Exercise No. 18.
This exercise strengthens seeeral muscles of the hips and lower back, which are otheneise seldom deeeloped.