ln starting out on your second week, be suro to do each of the excrcises prescribod for each of the day» for the fuli count. If you are unable to do any exercise for the fuli count, test for u littlc whilc and then go back and do it agam. Start the Mercitc count whoie you lott otT . . . not at the very begin-mng If the excrcises are too inurh for you to do, at one time, do part of them in the morning and the rest nf them at night. l>on’t try to go through your daily cxcrcise routinca as quick ly as you can. l>o each one slowły and seriouslv. Kememher: You get only those bcneAta out of your course from what you yourself put into them. Be thorough. Work out bard. Make believc I am Monding over you . . . and if you don't do them right. I will make you do them ovcr agam.
If, »t the ctłd of each duy's trnmmg session, you fccl that you can continue to do additional excrcises. go back ovev those training routinos of Inst week and piek nut a few.
The Musclc Chart . . . showing the important muscles of the body is on pages 12 and 13 This chart also tclls you what these muscles do. By picking out excrctses that movc that part of the body. that you wish to concentrate on, you can build up these muscles morę fully.
When you are starting out each day*s exercise routines, be surę that you contmue to do Exercifte No. 1. Take in deep gulps of air. Fili your chest up as fuli as you can. As you exha)e slowly. say in a whisper, 'TM STRONGER . . . l’m Strongcr . . I'M STRONGER . . . Fm Stronger . Fm
By whispenng these words, you will autornatically hreathe out morę slowly . . . thoreby controlling your breathing.
At the same time, you will begin to strctch out your chest hox morę fully than ever hefore. Kecp track of your chest measurements throughout this week. Łach day this week, ns soon as you h»vc fimshed Kxercise No. 1, take a tape meas ure and measure your chcśt "normal". Then, Ali up your chest with a great gulp of air and measure it "expanded'\ Try to better your score each day.
1’lace the tape measure, to measure your chest "normal" and "cxpunded", under the arms and around the chest and back at the fiillcsl part.
Try this little experiment. Grasp your Icft forearm with your right hand. Close your left Ast. palm down. Hard! Now, while you are holding your forearm. move your left Ast back and forth from your wrist. Feel the forearm muscles flcxing? Now do this 20, 30, or 40 times, vigorou*ly Then let go and open your Ast. Feel anything? Fil say you do! You feel evcry musclc in your hand, wrist, and are relaxed! And yet, you’ve really only worked two forearm muscles!