It is much better to do exercises for a short period each day than to exercise only oncc a week for a longer period. What you necd to accomplish will dc-terminc how much time you should spend and which cxerciscs arc best for you. Read the index of e.\ercises to notę which ones benefit the various areas of your body. You arc not required to do all the excrciscs simply because they are in the book; rather, choose the ones that suit your needs.
When you begin. avoid overtiring and overstraining yourself. U you cannot hołd any particular exercise for the fuli counl of ten seconds. hołd it for less and work up to the tcn-second period by adding one second each day. Start by doing half a dozen exercises and add one or two each day until you have reached the number you want to do. ff you are working too far beyond your capacity. you will know it by the stitfncss or soreness of those muscles which arc bcing overworked. Slow down. and allow your muscles to work up to the endurance needed.