Utul I Word Study
WORD STUDY: Stanu and Affixes
Using confcxt clucs is one way to dwcovcr the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Another way xs word analysis, Chat is, looking at the meanings of parts of words. Many EngJish words have been formed by combining parts of older En&lish, Greek, and Lalin words. If you know the meanings of some of these word parts. you can oflen guess the meaning of an unfamihar EngJish word.
For example, report is formed Trom re, which means back, and port which meaiu carry. Ściemni is derived from sciy which means know, and iri, which means one who. Port and jc; are called stems A stem is the basie part on which groups of related words are built. Re and ist. are cailed affixes, that is, word parts which are attached to stems. Affixes JiJce rt, which are attached to the beginning of stems are called prefixes. Affiaes allachcd to the end, iike ist, are cailed suffixcs. GeneraJly. prefixes change che meaning of a word and suffixes change jts part of speech. Jlere is an
example: | ||
Stem: |
pay (vcrbi |
honest (adjecuye) |
Prefix |
rrpay (verb) |
</ithonest (adjective> |
Suffix: |
repaymeru (noun} |
dishonesUy (adverb) |
Word analysis is not aiways enough to give you the prccisc dcfinition of a word you encounter in a reading passage, but oflen it will help you to understand the generał meaning of the word so that you can conlinuc reading without stopping to use a dtenonary.
Bclow is a list of some commonly occumng stems and jffixes. Study thesr meanings. Your teachcr muy ask you to give examples of words you know wlucli are denvcd from these stems and afftxcs. Hien do the exercises which follow. Somequcsiionsrcqutic the usc of a diclionary.
Prctixcs com- eon-, col-. cor-, toin-. im-in-, im-, ii-. ir-micro-pre rc-. relro- |
logcihci, wnh in. inlo. on not smali beforc baekward. haik. belund |
Stems: | |
-audi-, -audit- |
lic jr |
-chroń |
time |
-dii'-, -diet- |
say. speak |
-gjaph-. -gram- |
wrile. wriling |
-log-, ology- |
speech, word. study |
-metr-, -meter- |
measure |
-plion- |
sound |
-scop- |
see. look at |
-scope- |
instrument lor sermg or |
-scrib-, -scripl- |
obsemng |
-spect- |
write |
look at |
Suffixes: | ||
-er. -ot |
one who | |
-tion. -atron |
condilion. 1 lir aci of |
Z. In the word inspccled, what is the meaning of the prefix in?____
3. List threc words familiar to you which contain in w herc >t means not.
4. Is scribble derived from senb? (Usc your ditticnary.)_____-______
What does scribble mean?_________________________
5. Is coloraiion derived from co/? (Usc your diclionary.)________________
6. Using what you know about stems and alfises. definc the italicizrd word in the followinp sentence:
Some scholars have bcen able to read the inst riptions on the walls of ancicnt templcs.
7. Use word analysis to cxp!ain what /»rt «//< r means
8 In current usage. the prefix co is frequcntly u<cd to form nrw words tlor example. co 4 edilors becomes coeddors). Give anolher c.\amplc of a word which use> a> in Ihis way.
Exerci.se 2
Following is a list of words containing some of the stems and affixes introduced in this unit. Defini-tions of these words appear on the right. These words are probably unfamiliar to you. It is NOT the purpose of this exercise to teach you the definitions of ail these words. lnstead, the exercise is designed to serve as a review of the stems and affixes defincd in this section and as a way for you to practice using the techmque of word analysis to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words.
Pul the teller of the appropnatc definilion ncxl to eacli word.
1. _J?_- microscopc |
a |
2._ audition |
b. |
3----phonoscope | |
4._ audiomeler |
c. |
5____audrology |
d. |
e. |
the science of hearing
an instrument uscd to make smali objects larpe enough
to sec and study
rhe act or sense of hearing
an instrument which tests the quality of sfrings for
musical instruments
an instrument for mcusurmg hearing
Stop. Chcrk your nnswers bclorc going on to the ncxt part.
6___ |
. gramophone |
a |
7__ |
_ chronometer |
b, |
8___ |
. micromelcr |
c. |
9____ |
. nucrograpłi | |
10__ |
. chronology |
d. |
I 7.__chrome
an instrument lor dumę extrcrm*ly smali writing an instrument lor measuring smali distanccs the science ol dat mg cvcnłs accurately and arranging Iliom in order ol occurrance
phonograph: an instrument that records or reproduccs
an instrument lor mcasurmg limę very accurately
the sign or symbol representing a sound or word an instrument to measure smali peiiods ol time the study of speech sounds tlić study of unimportant matters an instrument used to make wcak sounds louder
a prapli showmg the prreentage of hearing loss in a par-tieułar car a iiistorian
long lastmg; constant. habitual a dcsicc to help the partially-dcaf hcar an instrument uscd to measure the mtensiiy and vibra tion frcaucncy ol sound