Where do you get all those plugs, leads, sockets, swltches and thlngs to get your home working? Why, your DSE storę of courselł DSE for great value, great prlces and a great rangę.

Now you can get ił at DSE!!

z y


3CoreFlaf ightCable

Need an extra llght In the bathroom, laundry, workspace, etc? 3 core fiat 1/113 light cable wlth Insulated i    earth and rated at 10 amps

(1.13mm) at super Iow prlcesl! And o>. '    at DSE there’s no need to buy huge

_ . volumes to get the best prlce.

r nCv i Cal W-2060

/metre    /

3 Core Power Cable



Save even morel 3 core fiat 1/178 Power Cable wlth Insulated earth at thls fantastłc Iow price. Thls stuff Is usually referred to as bullder‘s cable. Rated at 25 amps (2.5mm) you can have power wherever you need itl Cat w-2062


Power Point Safety Tester

i.    -

$A 15

Don*t change Fuses

Forget about fumbllng around In

dark! Wlth these great Circuit    --

Breakers you need never .

change a fuse agaln. They slmply M flt In the exlstlng fuse holder. M

Cat P-5910 10 Amp    Cl

Cat P-5915 15 Amp    /ł

Cat P-5920 16 Amp $4 f\95

Cat P-5925 20 Amp |V    ^

3 Pin Pług Side Entry

Standard 3 pin AC pług wlth cable entry on the slde — Ideał lor uslng wlth awkward equlp-ment. Cat P-5402


3 Pin Piggy Back Pług

Standard 3-pln pług wlth 3 pin socket as well — doubies up one power point. Cat P-5405



Ideał for maklng up extension cords — stan dard 3 pin AC socket. Cat P-S410    _

Check newly Installed power points. old homes. etc. Just pług In and llght pattern reveals any faults.

Cat P-5300    5

Wall Board


Can be mounted Irom the front. Mount power outlets. swłtch plates. on any cavlty wali (other than brlck) wlthout the need for a mounting błock. Cal P-5530



Edison screw holder to suit PAR38 and other ES bulbs. Can be adjusted over 30* for exact posltlonlng (Suits coloured bulbs). Cat P-5620



Stop young children‘s pryłng flngers by pfaclng these piastlc safety plugs Intothe outlet when not In use. Cat P-M20




Standard 3 pin AC Socket that can be screwed to boards or walls — Ideał for workshop use. Cat P-5415


Blank Platę

Same słze as power point, but blank: Ideał for gap-fllllng when you move points. swltches. etc. Cat P-5535




Standard 3 pin AC pług Into 2 AC sockets enabMrtg you to use 2 applłances on one outlet. Cat P-54 40


3Pin IEC Linę Pług

Female llne socket. Standard IEC.

Cat P-ssao 3 Pin IEC



Małe Chassis socket, as used wlth above pług. 3 pin vertlcal IEC pattern. Cat P-5585



Llght socket for bayonet mount lamps. Ideał replacement for llght flt-tings. Comes In whlte piastlc. Cat P-5510


High Impact piastlc moulded swłtch for Insertlon In any cord for remote on/off. Ideał for puttlng on/off swłtch In a floor standlng lamp. CatP-5515___



Standard 3 pin AC pług. wlth capacłtors fltted to reduce unwanted pops and crackles from audio equlpment.

Cat P-S425


Standard Mounting B x

Mount power points, plates, etc on any sur face Includlng brlck. Cat P-553t






Replace old single outlets wlth a double; much morę convenlent

o / \


Cat P-5560 I



Standard archltrave switch — can be used to replace old, worn out unlts In your home. Positlve actłon swłtchlng. CatP-5570



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