»! ę 51 O S A ro U K.

Thmrc ie no dcnbt th*t ln the nesrest futuro -owiet ttuaeia will hnvo to faoe a naw Cennej, offenelT**Yhe oonec:.-trotion of tho Omen land Toreee eeene to bo drowing to lto cloae«i>lTitfionc whleh bod baon tr^nsferred to woetem mrope lor the Winter nouthe of 1941-1942 ao woli aa the newlc organlsed unita hrve elther rlreody arrlred or aro on their way to the Sao tern front *The Germns will ende tout to oruch the ovlct Union by tae^mo of operctlose emrrlod out on o vr,at acle.lt will noet probebly bo their eupre/.e offencire effort9nnd it reaulta will be er upon tho ultimata ieeuc of the world ooniHet*

The Loviet fewereaant sltw applying spec lal taotice towordi their Allloe.,whoE. th*y maintnlB ln ignor^nac of their foroee ooc poosibilitlaa•itf&evcrtheleea9aeema certain thrt,notwltiu.t ndiug the gre*t power of reeiat uce of thoir peopleu9tha £oriet Governraent ore comidering not &0 Udth the pro aport of a oorsproolee wlth the Third tUUchpua the poeeibility of e wr.r eriaia,if tboy were left to theneelwee in cocplotc ifioletlon «t the    proach of the spring cmpalgii*

Cndor ti-eso cirewsatencec fit won Id appenr correct to antleipete one of the folLpwlug elter Mtivec wlth reg*r& to the finał ituuc of tivc looinent developaer te on the Seatem


I*    JSlther -oifola will aueeerefully raaiet the Gena«n

offenalve*&nd*ev«n ln spite of rurther loae of te. ritoryf will oecr.olon the further eoceiierrblc wast po and eshauetlon of the poter.tial of the German enaad forcee.In thi© c- setno mrtter how far the Ked Aiwdea will be puched bacfc#the fin 1 if*ue would be evide&t ^Orrarny would be defected*

IX* Or t?ie Ge piran offenoiv* will be sufflciently powtsr— ful to tlirenten the corplete deetruotion of the ovi et Ajpirty. In thot cee*Gre>t Britain wlth the United . t-tes r*łd their eooparatlng Ailier would find thaoea&wce in 1943 »or perhope ev®n in the late autuem of 19429in the face of Oamaa forcea sufficiently powerful to elinlmte my poseiblllty of en ollled offenaiwe eetion on the eontinent*A einilor ooure*-* of

/ erente


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