ipe 17
22. Getting drcsscd. sliffcn your leg as you put it through your trouscr leg. Do this in a slow molion. making each movcment fccl strong and dcliberatc. When you are at the point shown in the photo. tighten your abdomen. kccp your leg firmly strctched; hołd position: rclax. Rcpeat with other leg. This is an cxcellent halancing cxercise as well as u leg-musclc strengthener.
23. As you fasten your trousers. puli in your stornach as hard as possiblc. Hołd position; relax.
24. While combing your hair. puli the comb through as though against a strong resistance. tightening up your neck as well as your arm muscles. Mid* way through combing action. tighten abdomen; hołd position: relax.
25. While brushing your tecth. tighten 22 arm muscles as though pushing against a strong resistance Mid way through the brushing action. tighten your abdomen: hołd position: relax.

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