ape 025

ape 025


The bodily fiber or quality reaches to the thought. You will nevcr gct linę thought out of a coarse body. Nor less will you get sound thought out of an unsound body. The bodily condition strikes through and shows itself in the quality of the thought. A vast amount of the poor, illog-icai, insipid, tuorbid, extravagant, pessimistic thought that finds its way into books and sermęms and contrersation has its origin in poor bodies and bad health. The body lies at the basis of success in all respects. A poor body means a poor life, all the way up, even to the higheststage of spirit-ual life. Atiy religious experience that is connected with a weak or diseased body is to bc regarded with suspicion. There can be’ no healthy thought, no morał feeling, no sound judgment, no vigorous action, except in connection with a sound body. Grcat minds are often shut up in poor bodies—as Pascal and Cowper and Carlyle and Amiel—but in each case we make allowance for what is called the persona! equation; their opinions are examined in the light of their physical weakness of disease beforetheyare trusted."

President Elliot of llareard says:    “ To atlain success

and length of service in any of the professions a t igorous body is essential. All professional biography teaches that to win lasling distinction in sedentary indoor occupations which task the brain and nervous system, extraordinary toughness of body must accompany extraordinary raental powers.”


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