The lorce of the understanding increases with the health of the bod). When the body labnrs under disease, the mind is incapacitated lor thinking. democritus.
Even in ancient times the principles of cultivating the body togethcr with the mind, in order that by presenring the health mental culture might be available, was recog-nized.
Pliny tells us that “the mind is stimulated by move-ments of the body."
Men and women of litcrary and of business habits should have recottrse to some means which will preserve them from ill-health and suffering. The brain and nerves are overtaxed to the detriment of another set of functions, which are at first reduced in power, and at last stareed out. Esercise will draw the blood from the brain, if it is over-taxed, to other portions of the body. Nothing is gained by too steady mental application. Time will be lost unless one yields to the dcmand of naturę for exercise. When the physica! life becomes degenerated by neglect, the power of thought is at once affected. Want of actiyity not only affects the mental, but all the organs of the body. Exer-cise, on the other hand, inyigorates the body, expands the chest, keeps the form erect, makes the body healthy, strong, and shapely, and gives a new life and energy to the whole being.
When a break-down occurs the only remedy is exercise 23