The AnLab is your chancc to tell us which storics you likc beat, and thcrcby rewitrd your favoritc authors with solid cash. li works this way: scnd us a card or Icttcr with a Ust of Ute stories in cach month's issuc, ranked in the order in which you preferred thera. We avcragc the votes and publlsh the rc-sults herc. The story that comca closest to having an nveragc of 1.00 (which would mean it reccived a first-placc votc frotn cveryone voting) eams its au-thor an cxtra one cent a word: $100. in the casc of a 10.000-word novclette. The story in sccond place rccckes a half-cent extra per word.
PUCt TITLE ______ _______ |
_ POJNIS | |
i.. |
...Hot Spot...................................................... |
Brenda Pearce........... |
...... 2.03 |
*» |
The Timi*-Trnveler |
Spider Rohinwn. |
2.7! |
3 |
.A Kind of \lurder |
iMTry \ivrn.......... |
3.03 |
4.. |
...Earth. Air. Fire und Water (Conc.)------- |
A'enwih and WaUinp |
...... 3.07 |
5. |
...Scholark Corrcspondence......................... |
Charles Erie Manie. |
...... 4.07 |