Fig. 5. The division of Holocene as proposed by K.D. Jager (1969). The age is given according to non-calibrated radiocarbon data. Temperaturę and precipitation is expressed as the function of sedimentological character and paleoenvironmental molluscan analysis compared with contemporary conditions (Lożek, Cilek 1995)
Podział holocenu według K.D. Jagera (1969). Wiek określono według niekalibrowanych dat radiowęglowych. Temperatura i opady są wyznaczone jako funkcja cech osadów i analiz ślimaków w stosunku do warunków współczesnych (Lożek, Cilek 1995)
preferring very humid places. This layer never contains archaeological flnds but next overlying horizon often harbours Early Neolithic pottery. We may interpret this situation recorded at several places as the Neolithic advance connected to dry oscillation that succeeded immediately after important humid phase. The paleobotanical evidence such as charcoals, seeds, fossil leaves in carbonate horizons or pollen bearing humic strata is usually fragmented and restricted to sporadic stratigraphical horizons but it provides a welcomed supplementary environmental information (Draxler 1972; Svobodova, Svo-boda 1988).
The colourful, “rainbow” spectrum of the gathered observations of Holocene depositional sequences etnbodies some basie aspects of paleoeiwiron-mental and paleoclimatic information that may be listed as follows:
Standstill phases in slope and floodplain sediments are indicated by maturę soil horizons, by tufa and flowstone deposition without elasties in karst