weight to a straight arm, and then be compelled to drop sanie. I do not allow the bar liell to swing any morę than possibly can be helped. Sonie lifters commence with the bar beli at right angles to the shoulders instcad ot merely parallel to same, which latter position is the one 1 adopt. The men who hołd the beli at right angles allow the body to tum and the bar to revolve as tliey allow tlie body to sink. One tliing I cannot reeonimend is that the dis-engagcd hand be placed on the lloor. I hardly consider tliis fair, hut whether tliis be so or not. it is not a good position, as the balance is apt tu be destroycd by the jerk necessary to bring the body erect. Do not bend the body any lower than you are com-pelle<l. A good practice lor strengthening the muscles used in this lift, and for giring you better control over your beli, is, after
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