# APF-27 p. 01
1. Hen the pe11icoat--»cw lace around thc bottoa of
the edce.
2. Turn the back faclng back and tow thca.
3. set# a 1 one stltch for eatherine lino along thc
waiat 1lnc.
4. Fuli the ęathora up and adjuat to the walst band
5. Sc w enda of the waiat band and hand seu waiatband to Inaldc to flnlah.
6. Sew the back seat and flnlah the oponlnc wlth a anap
i 27 V
Lor.łj Slecre blouae Long Ginghoa Skirt
1. Hen tho cde« of the akirt with a saall ahirt taił hea.
2. Sc* c/elet tria alon* thc hea edce--turn to thericht aide and top atltchaaall rlc-rac on the ed^c of thc cyolet.
3. Hea the placketa.
4. Run a lont atltch alone the akirt waiat llnc--pull up the c*'hcra to flt thc waiat band and pin--aow ia place.
5. Hea the enda of the waiat band--clip cornora and turn to rtcht aide--finiah the cdtea by hand.
4. Sc w the back aean of the akirt and put a anap at the waiat for closine.
1. Sow the blouae darta--aew the ahoulder darta and trio.
2. Sew thc front to aleeve--aew the back to the slccve.
3. Hea the blousc back.
4. Fin the collar in place and sew.
3. Sew me enda of collar and alip atttch collar to Itniah tUo inaide.
4. Hea the aleevc for caaInę--insert aaall elaatie and tack in place
2. Sew thc aide acaaa--si( rac the bottoa of thc wlouec.
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