85 3

85 3

# APF-85 p. 01

d4ikcxs feiiie Tashiom


80DY Sił 1 HT

1.    Scw tho shouldcr 3Cins

2.    Cllp back plackc t--sew the plackct focinc back.

3.    Ilcn the ncck openlnc by turninc the cdc« to the back a sewine alonc the edec.

A. l(«a the arsholos the saac May.

5.    Scw the sldo seans.

6.    tlen the loc openlnc* as ahove.

Sew the back seans—iow the crotch scas.

7.    Seu snaps on the back for closinc*


1.    Zie za* stltch on the cdc« of the backs and across the botton of the skirt.

2.    Run a c*therlnc stltch at the watstllnc of tho sktrt.

3.    Cllp the back openlnc and seu the placket back.

A. I i c za( stltch alonc one slde of the skirt band

5. Sew skirt band ends--cllp the corners — turn —press.

6.    fln the skirt band to both ends of the skirt uatstllne.

7.    Ad just the ęathers and seu.

8. Turn skirt band over skirt wa is l 1 ino--wi t h the Zif, rac odce to the back and seu alonc the front of the skirt. Check to see that all the edee

of the skirt band ls seued.

9.    Sew the back skirt sean.

10.    Sew snaps at the walst back for fasteninc*

11.    Hen the skirt by hand.


1.    Z i c zac stltch around tho Jackct edeca.

2. Sew the front facinc to the jackct front. Cllp alonc tho curved edce.

3. Sew tho shoulder scans--hen the slceves. Sew a top stltch near the ede* of the slecYc.

A. Sew the collar«-cllp the polnts--turn and press.

5.    Press the jacket and skirt.

6.    Pin tho collar in placo--then pin tho front faclncs ii» place. Usc a bias piece to flnlsh the neck band.


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