24 2 (2)

24 2 (2)

♦ APF-24 r Ol

d4llccns feiiic Tashions

#24. reproductiosi or 5*155 mokk »y yaska white ok •mi WHEEL or FORTUbE-

ln.# hca tho ruffloa. cut A—0*\'^ f y'


K. Cut ruffllng l\ la- 56



tho rufflti tnto 3 ruffUi 12 t<i. łono-Machino tiUtr tho ruffloa.

Iło* tbo lowtr iklri-^la on# rufflo to tho lowcc ruffU 1U«, aow. pin tho accond rufflo to tho alddlo lino. icw and pin tho thlrd rufflo to tho thlrd lino. iow. Tho ruffline aowlng lina of tho rufflo ahowld aatch tho lino

4. Zig tog stlteh around tho odgo of tho top aklrt to

that lt «on* t ravel. Run a gothorlng throad ot tho walat 3. rto tho towor aklrt to tho oppor aklrt--aow--turn and top otltch cioto to tho hott oa of tho uppor iklrt.

6.    Fin tho bodlco to tho tullo ll nlng--aow--clip tho coroin and acroas tho top. Top otltch cioto olong tho odgo of tho bodlco top.

7.    Mark tho darta--pla --»ow--mi cllp oxcoot aatorlal fcoa tho dorto. $. Pin tho bodlco to tho aklrt--adjuat tho aklrt to flt tho waiat--

wrap cndt of tho tklrt around tho bodlco for a plachot. Sow.

*. Cllp tho cornora--tura--and top otltch cloao to tho bottoa of tho bodlco. Sow tho bach aoaa. Turo.

lO.Cathor tho ruffloo up by hand and tack ln placo--aow a boad to tho top of tho rufflo for docoratlon.

U. Sow anapa to tho back for cloolng.


1. Fin tho l1nIng to tho fur atolo.

tuckod Ino ido. Loavo an opaolag at tho bottoa.

3.    Tria cloao to tho aowlng odgo--turn to tho rlght aldo and puli any caught fur to tho rlght aldo--thoa hand aow tho bottoa.

4.    Sow a hook and oyo for cloalng.

5.    Sow a rod aatln ribboo roao oa tho rlght aldo for tria.

Long whlto glovoa and a rlbbon aay bo addod for acccaaorlca.


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