81 2

81 2

# APF-81

p. 01

Mecns Prtiie Tashions



1.    Cut a 2 in. alit in thc back of thc pcttlcoat and thc skirt bach for opcnine. Torn back thc cdgc and hca.

2.    Sow thc sldc scaes of thc underskirt and the taffcta skirt.

3.    Shict taił hen thc botton cdgc of both sklrts. by nachinc.

4. Scu lace on the cdgc of thc taffcta skirt.

5. Cut 2 pieces of tulić 6 in. widc and thc width of thc tulić.


6.    Place both picces of tulić together and run a gathcrlng thread acrots thc top.

7.    Mark dot* around thc top of thc taffcta skirt 2 ln. froa waist.

8.    Mark the center of thc tulle and pin it to thc center front of thc skirt* then alone thc dots.

9.    Adjuat thc gathers and sew thc tulle to thc taffcta skirt.

10.    Pin    both skirt*    together    around thc waist, aatching thc    sidc    seans.

Run    a gathcrlng    thread around thc waist--sewing through    both    skirt*.

11.    Cut o waistband 5 in. X lfc in. ( Finished 4 in. )

12.    Pin the skirt to thc waist band and scu.

13.    Tum the ends of thc band down and top stitch thc waist band.

Finish with a snap closlng.


1.    Cut thc top pieccs of vclvct and thc lining of taffcta.

2.    Scu the skirt pieccs togęthcr--scw thc lining »kirt together.

3.    Run a gathering thread along thc roundcd cćgc of bodicc B.

<4. Fit bodicc A and 8 together and scw.

5.    Scu    thc darts ln    thc back    of thc bodicc back and thc lining.

6.    Scu    thc shoulder    scao* of    the bodicc and thc lining.

7.    Turn back thc edge of thc slecvc in thc bodicc and thc lining, scparatcly and hen by hand.


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