34 3

34 3


# APF-34 p. 01

c4ilecKS fetile Washiom


1.    lica mc nood front--acw the back hood seat.

2.    lica the alccve--hc» th© ahltt bot ton clth the zie~**C atltch.

3. Sew th© ilctv«i Into th© shlrt top.

A. Sew the hood to the back of the sh1rt--1cavIn* the ahirt back aean open.

5. Sew a saall zipper down tho back of the ahlrt.

JACKET (ust wbite aued© cloth for jacket)

1. Sew the Jacket back to the yoke--top atltch the yoke in place.

Sew in the alcewer --he» the eleevca--top atltch.

3. Sew the ahoulder teaaa.

e. Sew the aieeve llnlne lo the jacket llnlne--cllp the arahol© .

5.    Sow the ends of the coat collar--cllp--turn.

6. Sew the coat collar m place wain* the front facine-

7. Sew the llnlne neck to the coat collar--clip edges--turn.

8.    Puah the aleeve llnlne down the alecve--adjuat the coat lining--pin ln place and »ll? atltch to flnlah the coat llnlng.

9.    Top atltch around the coat front edec and collar.

10.    Sew anaps on the front for cloalng--e©w aeall buttona on the front of the coat for flnlah.


1.    Sew the front and back aeaaa of the panta.

2.    Ile a the botton of the leg.

3.    Sew the lnaldc lee eeaa.

A. Sew down a caalne at the walat.

S. Turn the panta and run elaatle throueh the caalne and iteure the enda.


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