9 43
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# APF-43 p. 01
tulle Unia* to thc bodice around tho .U#v« oponln*..
2. Sew Ut tarto —aow tho shoulder ataas —fUUI thc lult< by hand.
3. Pin tho bui colUr to tho bodlco front and bach rlp.ht • idea togethcr--aow throu(h tho front aide —cllp tho colUr and nccfc cdCc--tucn.
4. Tura down back of collar and allp atltch la plac# finiahlne tho collar ed*e.
5. Stay atltch thc aklrt hoa.
6.kun a c*lh«rlne thread around tho aklrt wa1 at--adjuat
eathora to flt tho bodlco wala t— pin—sew.
4. 5ow th# bach (aclnf# and back aklrt aoaa. Turo.
7. Itoa tho aklrt by khand and aow anapa on tho back for cloaln*.
9. Hako a bow and aow tt to tho collar im front.
9. Hako a bolt and put a snall bucklo on It—hand aow lt to tho
1. Sou tho hat edeo and tulle linia*—tura and stay atltoh tho od*©.
2. Sow tho ede« of tho crown and tulle.
3. Fin tho hat to tho crown and aow. FInieh tho back and aow a bow on tho back •