29 2

29 2

• APF-29 p. 01

(Mccns Prtite Tashions



1.    Sow tho pockct flop cnda -- turo-- pin on tho eo*t front. Sow tho fold «n<3 then hond sow tho codo to coot. (folao pockot).

2.    He* tho ahouldcr trio, for front ond bock. Mn tho trio in płaco.

3.    Sow tho collor and a --1urn-•.

6.    Ilon tho aloovo--topat itch ot tho edco of tho slco ve Itci.

Mn tho sloovo In ploco--acw--cllp acoa.

S. Sow tho sioovo ond ahouldcr oooa. Stoy atltch oround tho foclne odeo.

0. Sc w tho front foctng to tho boek nock foclng. Pin tho collor betwoon tho foclnca ond aow.

7.    Sow tho focln$ hen to*othor--atoy atltch oround tho bottoa of tho coot--turn to ri(ht aide ond top atltch oil oround tho eoot.

8.    Hond mm tho anopa ond buttona on tho front of tho coot.


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