Hand and Wrist 119
Chapter 4
metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb produces a sim-ilar deformity, although additional rotation and angula-tion of the proximal phalanx is often present.
Tendon Ruptures. Flexion deformities of the thumb and fingers may also be due to rupture of the relevant exten-sor tendon. Rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon at the wrist, the most common of these injuries, may occur following a fracture of the distal radius or may be due to rheumatoid synovitis. In the presence of extcnsor pollicis longus rupture, the patient has particular diffi-culty extending the interphalangeal joint of the thumb (see Fig. 4-27F).
Figurę 4-27. A, Mallet finger. B, Boutonniere deformity. C, Swan neck deformity. D, Simulation of benediction hand. E, Claw hand.