Chapthr 4_Hand and Wrist 111



Figurę 4-16. A, B, and C, Palmar aspect of the hand. A, distal flexion crease of index Finger; B, proximal flexion crease of index Finger; C, web flexion crease of index finger; D, distal palmar crease; E, proximal palmar crease; F, level of metacar-pophalangeal joints; G, thenar eminence; //, hypothenar eminence.

of the involved finger comes to lie in a rclatively cxtended position (Fig. 4-19A). Deformities caused by flcxor ten-don laceration vary depending on the tendons involvcd. Laceration of the profundus tendon alone would produce isolated loss of DIP joint flexion similar to that produced by jersey finger. Laceration of the superficialis tendon alone would produce only a slight break in the arcade of flex-ion, because the profundus tendon would still be able to flex both interphalangeal joints of the involvcd finger. Laceration ofboth tendons, however, rcsults in loss of abil-ity to flex both the PIP and the DIP joints of the involved finger. This causcs the affected finger to lie with both


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