Chafter 4_Hand and Wrist 121
(Fig. 4-29A-D). Whcn flexcd as a group, they should stay in parallel alignmcnt with each other (Fig. 4-29£). Rotational malalignment following an acute or malunited fracture of one of the metacarpals or phalanges causes the associated finger to deviate from the normal flexion alignment, possibly causing the adjacent fingers to diverge or cross (scissor) when they are flexed simultane-ously (Fig. 4-29F).
Wrist. The wrist may also be the site of posttraumatic or rheumatoid deformities. When fractures of the distal radius occur, the hand and distal radius are most com-monly pushed dorsally. If this is incompletely reduced, the distal radius and hand remain dorsally displaced, resulting in a permancnt step-off (see Fig. 4-12C). Dislocations or fracturc-dislocations at the radiocarpal or midcarpal joints can also produce step-off deformities, although the details may be ąuickly obscured by the dra-matic swelling that can accompany such injuries.
Rangę of Motion
A thorough assessment of the rangę of motion (ROM) of the joints of the hand and wrist should include an evalu-ation of forearm rotation as describcd in Chapter 3, Elbow and Forearm, because forearm rotation reąuires
Figurę 4-29. Normal flexion alignment of fingers. A, lndex. B, Long. C, Ring. D, Little.
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REIDER PART 113 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist 103 Figurę 4-2. A, C, and D, Dorsal aspect of the hand. A,REIDER PART 119 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist 109 Figurę 4-13. A, B, and C, Radial aspect of the hand. AREIDER PART 121 Chapthr 4_Hand and Wrist 111AB Figurę 4-16. A, B, and C, Palmar aspect of the hand.REIDER PART 125 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist 115 Figurę 4-20. A, B, and C, Volar aspcct of thc wrist. AREIDER PART 127 Chapter 4_Hand and Wrist 117 Damage to the insertion of the central slip of the extREIDER PART 133 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist 123 Figurę 4-32. Active wrist flexion. far as possible (FiREIDER PART 135 Chaptfr 4_Hand and Wrist 1254-1 • When a patient complains of pain on the radiaI siREIDER PART 137 Chapter 4_Hand and Wrist 127 Figurę 4-38, cont d. C, Limited finger flexion may beREIDER PART 143 _ Chapter 4_Hand and Wrist 133 Metacarpals Fractures of the metacarpals of the fingREIDER PART 145 Chaptkk 4 Hand and Wrist 135 Infections. As already mentioned, closed-space infec-tREIDER PART 147 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist 137 Although the outlines of the individual tendons cannotREIDER PART 151 Charter 4 Hand and Wrist 141 pollicis longus. Rcsistance testing of these motions,REIDER PART 153 Charter 4_Hand and Wrist 143 Figurę 4-65. A, Assessing thumb extensor strength. B,REIDER PART 157 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist 147 nine long flexor tendons of thc fingers and thumb. ComREIDER PART 163 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist 153 Figurę 4-85. A and B, Midcarpal instability test (arroREIDER PART 165 Chaptkr 4 Hand and Wrist 155 Figurę 4-89. Grind test of the basilar joint. the patiREIDER PART 167 Chapter 4_Hand and Wrist 157 TABLE 4-1PHYSICAL FINDINGS IN COMMON CONDITIONS OF THEREIDER PART 169 Chapter 4_Hand and Wrist 159 c Figurę 4-93, cont d.TAKE HOME POINTS When evaluatingREIDER PART 142 132 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist Figurę 4-48. A, Opposition of the thumb. B, Lack of nowięcej podobnych podstron