Chapter 4_Hand and Wrist 159


Figurę 4-93, cont'd.


When evaluating ulnar sided wrist pain:

1.    Ulnar sided wrist pain has multiple causes and is not always a triangular fibrocartilage complex injury.

2.    Since the distal radioulnar joint, triangular fibrocartilage complex, and lunotriquetral joint are only millimeters apart from each other, careful palpation is needed to determine precisely which is tender.

3.    Triangular fibrocartilage complex tears and lunotriquetral joint injuries can occur after acute trauma or by degenerative changes, particularly in the presence of an ulnar impaction syndrome (impingement of the distal ulna on the carpus).

4.    Trauma leads to fractures or ligament injuries at the wrist.

When evaluating radial sided wrist pain:

1.    You must examine all of the radial sided wrist bones from the radius to the first metacarpal.

2.    Performing the Finkelstein test by having the patient make a fist around their thumb will cause pain in many normal individuals. It should be performed as shown in Figurę 4-87.

3.    Basilar joint instability often appears as thenar muscle pain (writer's cramps).

4.    Basilar joint arthritis occurs in 18% of women over 50 years of age and 5% of men.


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