38 2

38 2

p. 01

• APF-30

d4ilcais Prtite Tashiom



1.    Sc w the bodlcc and the tulić Halne along the back seans, around the aroholes and the neck. Turn.

2.    Kark the darts--scw --and trln the darta.

Sew the aide seans of the sklrt and the pettlcoat.

3.    Hen the sklrt and the pettlcoat wlth the nachln henner.

A. Cather the lace wlth a nachlne gatherer.

5.    Scw the lace on the sklrt naklng threc equal rowi of lace--bcglnnlng wlth the botton of the sklrt--then at the walst--then sew lt in the niddle Scw a gathcrlng thread at the walst of the sklrt and the pettlcoat.

6.    Sew the shoulder seans of the bodico.

7.    Sow a ruffle of lace around the neck edge of the bodice.

8.    Pin the sklrt to the bodlce--»cw,

9.    Pin the pettlcoat to the bodlcc and sow.

10.    Pin the back of the sklrt and pettlcoat togethor and sew through both--leaving an opcnlng at the walst for a placket.

11.    Sew on inaps for closing.


1.    Cut a piece of crlneollne and 2 picces of naterlal like the dress.

2.    Place the dress naterlal on eacb aide ot the crinollne and z Ig z ag the edges for a flnlsh.

3.    Sew 1aceCgatherod> around the crown.

A. Sew a vclvct rlbbon at the back of the het to hang ©vor the edge. 5. Sew 2 rlbbons undernoath to tle under the chin.


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