84 3

84 3

# APF-8-1 p. 01

d4ilccHS Prtile Tashions



1.    Pin thc lulU llnlng to thc bodicc--scw around thc b*ck• across tho top and around tho othcr back.

2.    Cllp thc corncrs and acroai thc top--turn--presi.

3.    Mark thc darta on thc bodlco---scw--trin daru-prcsa

6. Zlc sag stitch thc back cdgcs And hen of thc skirt.

5.    Run a gathoring (double lino)    thread

across thc waiat lino of thc skirt.

6.    Pin thc skirt C.F. to tho C.F. of thc bodicc.

7.    Adjust thc gathers to fit thc waist--lap thc skirt ovcr thc bodicc for a placket.Sow ctip corncrs turn

8.    Top stitch Across thc uaist bodicc.

9.    Sc w thc back scaa--lcavlng a plackot and an oponlng at thc hen linc.




10.    lica thc hen edge and Split by hand.

11.    Sow snaps for closlng.


1.    Cut    a    lace skirt ilin.    by 5**ln. on a fold for thc ovcr    skirt.

2.    Run    a    gathering thread    (double linc) at thc top of thc    lace.

3.    Sow thc bodlco backs to thc bodicc front sldc seans.

A. Pin one bodicc to thc othcr--scw up thc back and across thc front top--doun thc other back.

5.    Clip corncrs and turn.

6.    Pin thc C.F. of thc skirt to tho C.F. of thc lace bodlco.

7.    Adjust thc gathers to fit tho bodicc--turning thc skirt ovcr tho bodicc back for a plackct* Scw and turn.

8.    Cut    a    piece of lace lfc    in. by 7 in. for a haltor top.

9.    Run    a    gathering thread    across thc center of tho haltor--pull up

gathers and tic tho threads.

10.    Tack thc haltcr to thc center of thc front bodicc--bringing it ovcr thc shoulder and tacklng it to thc bodlco in thc back.

U. Sew one snap to thc waistlinc for closing.


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