Steady and Tran sień t Ttiming of Tractor-Semitrailer and Truck-Trailer Combinations: A Linear Analyśs (Stationir- und IJbergangsyerhalten voti Sattel* und Lastzugen bei der Kreiafahrt: Lineare Berechnungen)
F. Vlk
Technical Institute of Bern. Obrśncu miru 65. CS-602 00 Brno. Czechoslovakia. N/ehicle Syst. Dynam.,
22 (6), pp 331-350 (Dec 1983) 14 figs. 2 tables,
23 refs
(In German)
Key Word*: Railroad trains. Noise prediction
The contribution of line-haul raił traffic to community noise levels can be quantified by train*' single-event noise expo$ure levels, Senel, at noise-*ensitive waysids location* such as resłdence*. The cumulative effect of a day's operations can be assessed. under ICC guidelines. by the change in day-night noise level. Lrfn. associated with proposed changes in operations.
Kay Word*: Articułated yehicles. Ride dynamie*
A słmplif iad analysis is madę of the yaw stability and control of two typa* of commerciel vehicle combinations (tractor-samitrailer. truck-trailer) at a constant forward yeloerty during steady and transient turning. The combinad vehicle is traatad as a linear dynamie system. The steer angle at the front wheels of the tractor (or truck) and the steady-state rasponsas of the road vehicle train (yaw rata, articulation angtes and sklesiip angle) are calcutoted. Expłoratory calcu-latlons ara parformed to determine the influence of the cornering stiffness of the tire* for the two types of the vahicla combinations upon the steady-state responses.
Basic Analytical Results for Lateral SUbflity of Car/Trailer Systems
J.C. Huston and D.B. Johnson
Iowa State Univ.# Ames. IA. SAE Paper No. 820136
Kay Words: Trucks, Articułated vehiclas, Lateral response
Basic analytical results for car/trailer lateral stability ara devełoped. These results are yalidated by comparing crKical spaads pradictad by the new analytical solution wkh those obtainad numerically using a standard eigenvelue technique. General obsarvations ba sad upon the analytical results are presented.
Yibration Modes of a 70-Ton Boxcar
C.L. Orth and G. Kachadourian Fed. Railroad Admn., Washington, DC 20590. J. Engrg. Indus.. Trans. ASME. 106 (1). pp 21-27 (Feb 1984) 18 figs. 4 tables. 4 refs
Key Words: Railroad cars, Freight cars, Experimental modal analysis. Modę shapes
Vibration test* were parformed on a 70-t boxcar both empty and fully loaded, with two packaging configurations. Ninę yibration modes were identifisd: first roli, second roli, yaw, bounce, pitch. body torsion, body bending, and two iading modes. The effect of friction snubbing, gros* weight. and amplitudę of motion input at tha rails was determined. Test results presented are a summery of modal frequencies, the deflections associated with each modę and the rangę of fre-gueocy variation.
Stiffness and Friction Force Measuranents on a Freight Car Truck from Qua w-Static Tests
G. Kachadourian, C.L. Orth, and D.W. Inskeep The MITRĘ Corp., J. Engrg. Indus.. Trans. ASME, 106(1),pp 16-20 (Feb 1984) 15 figs
Key Words: Vibration tests. Railroad cars, Freight cars. Stiffness coefficients. Friction excitation, Experimental data
Yalidation of Computer Prediction of Train Pasrf>y Noi*e-Exposure Lerds
J.M. Hague III
Buffalo, NY, ASME Paper No. 83-WA/NCA-6
A conventionsl three-plece truck with load sensitive friction snubbing was tested as a oomplete assembly with its wheals resting on a flxed section of raił and with łoads appliad through a fłxture that dupiicatad the body bolster at the truck bolster interfsee. The purpose of tha testing was to determine tha stłffness and friction forces of the truck under yertical, lateral, and roli moment loading condrtion*. Loads were yaried to cover a ranga of car gross weight conditions.