# APF-88
p. 01
paCc 12? Eanes Book" BARBIE FASHIONS"
Also "Barbie Bazaar" May/Junc 1991 p. 12 and "Barbie Baraar" Kay/Jonc 1990 p. 13.
1. Pin the taffeta linine to the ehiffon bodice—-sew around the back, ncck, and around the archolcs. clip. turn and press.
2. Kark the darta in the bodicc---sew and trio the darta.
3. Scm the ehiffon shoulćor sooa—hand sew the taffeta lininr. in place to finlah the ahouldcr scaes.
4. Cut rufflca 2 \ in. widc and 40 in. lonę of ehiffon.
Sew the rufflcs tocether and hea or xlc rac both edee*.
5. Cather the ruffle with the nachinc catherer about k in. froa the top edce.
8. Cut tho Potticoat sam aizo of akirt.
Keta the bottoa cdęc
7. Cut a ehiffon skirt Skin. by 12 in. on the fold. Machinę hea the bottoa edce of the akirt and sew the skirt ruffle to tho bottoa edce.
8. Sew a double c*thcrinc thread at the waist of the skirt and the potticoat.
9. Pin the skirt to the t-oOico at the C.F. adjustinc the cathers to flt the uaist Lap tbe ends ovcr the bodico to fora a ptackot.
10. Pin the petticoat ovcr the ehiffon skirt aatchinę the C.F. and adjustinr. tho
cathers to fit the waist.
11. Be suro to lap the petticoat ovcr the bodicc for a plackct.
12. Sew thcouch both thickncsses —-clip the corners—turn to the richt slde and press.
13. Sew the skirt back lcavinc a plackct.
14. Sew eabroidered flowcrs at tho front of the waist for dccoration.
15. Sew snaps at tho back for closing.
1. Pin the linine to the fur stole —beinc careful to turn all the fur insidc.
2. Sew around the edce lcavinc an openinc at tho bottoa for turninc the stole.